The point `(8,-9)` with respect to the lines `2x+3y-4=0` and `6x+9y+8=0` lies on the same side of the lines the different sides of the line one of the line none of these

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Correct Answer - Both the lines lie on the same side of point (8,-9)
Given lines are parallel lines.
`"Let "L_(1)(x,y) = 2x+3y-4`
`"and "L_(2)(x,y) = 6x+9y+8`
`" " L_(1)(8,-9) =2(8)+3(-9)+4=-7 lt 0`
`" " L_(2)(8,-9) =6(8)+9(-9)+8=-25 lt 0`
Hence, both the lines lie on the same side of point (8,-9).

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