Photosysthesis si a bio process by which plants make energy rich molecules from low energy molecules with the help of energy from sunlight . The photosysthesis of glucose can be represented as:
`6CO_(2(g))+ 6H_(2)O_(g) + hv rarr C_(5)H_(12)O_(6(s)) + 6O_(2)(g)..........(i)`
The energy of one mole of a photon of wave lenght is known as one Einstein.
48 Einsteins of 650nm are absorbed by a plant for the production of 1 mole of glucose as given in equation (i). Calculate the % efficiency for the production of glucose by photosynthsis. The energy requried for the formation of 1 mole of glucose is 2870 KJ.

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Correct Answer - Energy of 1 mole of photon = `nxx (hC)/(lambda) = 6.023 xx 10^(23) xx (6.625 xx 10^(-34) xx 3 xx 10^(8))/(650 xx 10^(-9) xx 10^(3)) = 184 KJ `
total energy requried `=48 xx 184 = 8823 KJ " "` efficiency `=(2870)/(8832) xx 100 = 32.5%`

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