An impure sample of calcium carbon contains 80% pure of impure sample reacted with excess of hydrochloric acid. Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide at NTP obtained from the sample.

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100g of impure of calcium carbonate contain=80g pure of calcium carbonate
25g impure calcium carbonate sample contain `=(80)/(100)xx25`
=20g of pure calcium carbonate
The desired equation is
`underset(100g)underset(1"mol")(CaCO_(3))+2HCl to CaCl_(2)+underset("at NTP")underset(22.4"litre")(CO_(2))+H_(2)O`
`100"g pure "CaCO_(3)"liberate"=(22.4)/(100)"litre"CO_(2)`
`"20g pure " CaCO_(3)"liberate"=(22.4)/(100)xx20`
=4.48litre `CO_(2)`

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