The wave number of the first line in the Balmer series of hydrogen is `15200 cm^(-1)`. What would be the wavenumber of the first line in the Lyman series of the `Be^(3+)` ion?
A. `2.4xx10^(5) cm^(-1)`
B. `24.3xx10^(5) cm^(-1)`
C. `6.08xx10^(5) cm^(-1)`
D. `1.313xx10^(6) cm^(-1)`

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Correct Answer - D
Given `15200=R(1)^(2)[1/((2)^(2))-1/((3)^(2))] ...(1)`
Then `bar(v)=R(4)^(2)[1/((1)^(2))-1/((2)^(2))] ...(2)`
from (1) and (2) equation
`bar(v)=1.313xx10^(6) cm^(-1)`

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