Ammonia contains 82.32% of nitrogen and 17.65 % of hydrogen . Water contains 88.90% of oxygen and 11.10% of hydrogen . Nitrogen trioxide contains 63.15% of oxygen and 36.85% of nitrogen. Show that these data illustrate the law of reciprocal proportions.

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In `NH_(3), 17.65 g` of H combine with N=82.35 g
`therefore` 1 g of H combine with H`=(82.35)/(17.65) g` =4.66 g
In `H_(2)O, 11.10 g` of H combine with O=88.90 g
`therefore` 1 g of H combine with `O=(88.90)/(11.10)` g =8.00 g`
`therefore Ratio of the weight of N and O which combine with fixed weight (=1g) of H=4.66:8.00 =1:1.7 In `N_(2)O_(3)` , ratio of weigths of N and O which combine with each other =36.85:63.15:1:1.7 Thus the two ratios are the same. Hence it illustrate the law of reciprocal protortions.

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