Complete the following sentences:

i. Depreciation is charged on _________ asset.

ii. Wages paid for Installation/fixation of Machinery is debited to ______ account.

iii. Under _____________ system, the amount of depreciation changes every year.

iv. Depreciation = \(\frac{Costo\,of\,AssetLess......}{Estimated\,Working\,Life\,of\,Asset}\)

v. Gradual and permanent decrease in the value of asset is known as __________

vi. In Fixed Instalment System the amount of depreciation is _____________ every year.

vii. The amount spent on installation of Machinery is a _____________ expenditure.

viii. _____________ is the value which an asset realises at the end of its useful life.

ix. Depreciation Account is a _____________ account.

x. Depreciation is derived from a Latin word _____________

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i. Fixed

ii. Machinery

iii. Diminishing Balance

iv. Scrap value

v. Depreciation

vi. Constant

vii. Capital

viii. Scrap value

ix. Nominal

x. Depretium

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