You belong to a generation that has been exposed to internet. Discuss how internet has brought about positive and negative results.

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Modern technological advancements have strengthened and changed the role of mass media as an agent of socialization. Technology like internet has certainly increased the spread of mass media. People spend most of their time in touch with the world. Internet has enhanced communication and social connection. It has also increased political and civic participations. Social media allow students to learn outside of their class rooms. ‘School in the cloud’ is yet another example of how the internet and social media can help to improve global education.

Internet has helped to transmit information and create awareness about a wide range of issues and events among members of the society. It influences attitudes, values and moulds public opinion and acts as an effective way to change the society. Through the internet we can access online educational courses or training. In fact, any type of information from any part of the world can be accessed through the internet.

There is also negative impact of internet on society as – Youth access the internet and indulge in chatting, emailing, watching restricted site that leads to cyber crimes instead of creating interest in reading and creative activities. Sometimes internet may not give accurate information hence the validity and accuracy of the messages must be considered. Internet reaches the masses in developing countries, but there are many tribal, rural and poor urban people having no access to any kind of information. Communication technologies are expensive and need maintenance. Thus, internet may help to develop knowledge and spread information but it also has adverse effects on the society and have promoted values like individualism and materialism.