For a group containing 100 observations, the arithmetic mean and standard deviation are 8 and `sqrt(10.5)`. For 50 observations selected from the 100 observations, the arithmetic mean and standard deviations are 10 and 2 respectively. Find the arithmetic mean and the standard deviation of the other half.

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Given : N=100,`barX_(12)`=8, `sigma_(12)=sqrt(10.5)`
`N_(1)`=50, `barX_(1)`=10, `sigma_(1)`=2
we know that,
Substituting the values, we get
`sqrt(10.5) =sqrt(50xx(2)^(2)+50sigma_(2)^(2)+50xx(2)^(2)+50xx(-2)^(2))/(100)`
`sqrt(10.5) =sqrt(50xx4+50sigma_(2)^(2)+50xx4+50xx4)/(100)`
Squaring both sides,
`:. " " 50sigma_(2)^(2)=1,050-600`
`:. " " 50sigma_(2)^(2)=450`
`:. " " sigma_(2)^(2)=(450)/(50)=9`
`implies " " sigma_(2)=3`
Thus, `barX_(2)`=6, `sigma_(2)`=3.

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