The mass of a proton is 1847 times that of an electron A electron and a proton are injected into a unifrom electric field at right angle to the direction of the field with the same initial K.E.
A. the electron trajectory will be les lcurved than the proton trajectory.
B. both the trajectories will be straight
C. the proton trajectory will be less curved than the electron trajectroy
D. both the trajectories will be equally curved

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Correct Answer - d
`k=(1)/(2)mv^(2)`.In electric field,`Y =(qEx^(2))/(2mv^(2))=(qEx^(2))/(4k)`
The curvature of the trajectory is proportional to `qE//K` since q,E and K are same for btoth particles ,hence the trajectories will have the same curvature.

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