Differentiate between:

Taiga Region and Tundra Region.

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Taiga Region Tundra Region
Latitudinal extent Taiga region is found between 55° to 65° North latitude. Tundra region is found between 65° to 90° North latitude
Temperature (Summer) Brief cool summers with temperature around 15°C to 20° C. Summer temperature is aroundl0°C.
Temperature (Winter) Bitterly cold winters with temperature less than 0°C is found in this region. Winter temperature is around -20°C to -30°C.
Precipitation Year-round precipitation is around 300 to 500 mm in summers, snowfall in winters. Precipitation is in form of snow around 300 to 500 mm.
Atmospheric phenomenon Heavy cloud cover, high humidity, drizzle, fog, frost, cold winter poleward are the characteristics of Taiga region. Low evaporation, coastal fog are the characteristics of Tundra region.
Location Continental location. Proximity to coasts.
Vegetation Coniferous forest with soft wood, vegetables and root crops are found. Tundra vegetation, swamps during melting is formed.
Animal life Animals with fur like moose, foxes, bear, etc., are found. Animals with fur like polar bear, seal, walrus are found.
Human occupation Hunting and lumbering is the major occupation. Hunting and fishing is the major occupation.
Regions of the world Northern part of North America from Newfoundland to Alaska, northern Eurasia from Scandinavia through most of Siberia to the Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk are the major regions where Taiga region is found. Arctic ocean borderlands of North America, Greenland and Eurasia, Antarctic, Peninsula, some polar islands are the major regions under Tundra vegetation.

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