Differentiate between:

Equatorial Rainforests and Savannah Climatic

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Equatorial Rainforests Savannah Climatic Regions
Latitudinal extent It lies between 0° to 10° latitudes in both the hemispheres. It lies between 10° to 20° latitudes N and S.
Temperature As it lies near the equators sun rays are perpendicular and hence temperature is constantly high with average temperature around 27°C. Distinct wet summers and dry winters with summer temperatures around 35°C and winter temperature around 24°C.
Rainfall Heavy convectional rainfall of 2500 mm to 3000 mm is evenly distributed over the year. In this region average rainfall of 250 mm to 1000 mm is expected.
Vegetation Evergreen trees with dense three layered vegetation are found in rainforests. Tall thick grass (Elephant grass) with scattered droughtresistant trees are found in this region.
Animals Climbing and jumping animals, reptiles, etc., are found in this region. Grazing of animals is common. Herbivorous, carnivorous and scavengers are found in this region.
Regions of the world This type of climate is found in the Amazon basin, Congo basin, east coast of Central America, Madagascar, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Papua New Guinea. This type of climate is found in India in peninsular plateau and rain-shadow zone in Maharashtra, Telangana and Karnataka; parts of Mizoram. It is also found along borders of Congo, South Central Africa, llanos of Venezuela, Campos of Brazil, etc.

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