25mL of a solution containing HCl and `H_2SO_4` required 10 mL of a 1 N NaOH solution for neutralization.20 mL of the same acid mixture on being treated with an excess of `AgNO_3` gives 0.1435 g of AgCl.The normality of the HCl and the normality of the `H_2SO_4` are respectively.
A. 0.40 N and 0.05 N
B. 0.05 N and 0.35 N
C. 0.50 N and 0.25 N
D. 0.40 N and 0.5 N

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Correct Answer - B
Let normality of HCl is `N_1` and `H_2SO_4` is `N_2`.
`:.` Mili eq. of HCl + Mili eq. of `H_2SO_4` = Mili eq. of NaOH
Moles of `Cl^(-)`=moles of AgCl
`N_1=0.05 N`
`N_2=0.35 N`

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