A certain reaction obeys the rate equation (in the integrated form) `[C^(1-n)-C_(@)^(1-n)]=(n-1) kt` where `[email protected]` is the initial concentration of C is the concentration after time, t Then:
A. The unit of k for n=1 is `"sec"^(-1)`
B. The unit of k for n=2 is litre `"mol"^(-1) "sec"^(-1)`
C. The unit of k for n=3 is mol `"litre"^(-1) "sec"^(-1)`
D. The unit of k for n=3 is `"lite"^2"mol"^2"sec"^(-1)`

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Correct Answer - A,B,D
Unit of `k=("mol"/"litre")^(1-n) xx s^(-1)` for n=1 is `sec^(-1)`, n=2 is litre `mol^(-1) sec^(-1)`, n=3 is `"litre"^2 mol^(-2) sec^(-1)`

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