Concentrated aqueous sulphuric acid is 98% acid required to make one litre of 1.80 g `mL^(-1)`. Volume of acid required to make one litre of 0.1 M `H_(2)SO_(4)` solution is :
A. 16.65 mL
B. 22.90 mL
C. 11.10 mL
D. 5.55 mL

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Correct Answer - c
Volume of 98% (W/W) solution of `H_(2)SO_(4)`
`=("Mass")/("density")=((100g))/((1.80g mL^(-1))`
=55.55 mL = 0.055L
`"Molarity (M)"((98g))/((98g mol^(-1))xx(0.055L))`
`=18.02 mol^(-1)L=18.02 M`
`Vxx(18.02 M)=1Lxx(0.1M)`
`V=((1L)xx(0.1M))/((18.02 M))=0.0055 L`
=5.5 mL

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