A transformer of 100 % efficiency has 200 turns in the primary and 40,000 turns in the secondary. It is connected to a 200 V a.c. mains and the secondary feeds to a `100 k Omega` resistance. Calculate the output potential difference per turn and the power delivered to the load.
A. 1.1 V
B. 25 V
C. 18 V
D. 11 V

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Correct Answer - A
from transformer ratio,
`V_(s)/V_(P) = N_(s)/N_(P)`
`rArr V_(S) = (V_(P) xx N_(S))/(N_(P))`
`=(220 xx 40000)/200 = 44000 V`
Potential difference per turn is
`V_(S) / N_(S) = 44000/40000 = 1.1V`

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