A body initially at rest ( `theta = 0)` and `omega = 0` at `t = 0` ) and is accelerated over a circular path of radius `R = 1 m` as per the relation, `alpha = 120 t^(2) - 48 t + 16 "rad"//s^(2)`. At time t = 1 sec
A. angular velocity `omega = 32 "rad"//s`
B. angular displacement `theta = 10` rad.
C. tangential acceleration `a_(T0 = 88 m//s^(2)`
D. centripetal acceleration `a_(c ) = 1024 m//s^(2)`

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Correct Answer - A::B::C::D
`underset(0)overset(omega)int d omega = underset(0)overser(1)int alpha dt = underset(0)overset(1)int (120t^(2) - 48t + 16) dt`
`underset(0)overset(theta)int d theta = underset(0)overset(1)int omega dt`
`a_(T) = R alpha`
`a_(C ) = omega^(2) R`

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