A block can slides down an inclined plane of slope and `theta`, with constant velocity. If it is projected up the same plane with an initial speed `v_(0)`, then
A. The distance moved up the incline before coming to rest `(v_(0)^(2))/(2 g sin theta)`
B. The distance moved up the incline before coming to rest `(v_(0)^(2))/(4 g sin theta)`
C. Block will remain at rest after reaching maximum height
D. Block will moving down with uniform velocity after reaching maximum height

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Correct Answer - B::C::D
`f = mg sin theta`
`rArr a_(f) = g sin theta`
when projected up
`v^(2) = u^(2) + 2as`
`0 = v_(0)^(2) - 2 (2 g sin theta) s`
`s = (v_(0)^(2))/(4 g sin theta)`

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