Fill in the blanks with appropriate items :
The number of ` alpha` and `beta ` - particles emitted, when the following nuclear transformation takes place are _______ and _______ respectively.
`._(92)^(238) Xrarr ._(82)^(206)Y`

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Correct Answer - 8,6
`._(92)^(238)X rarr. _(82)^(206)Y + x alpha + y alpha`
`._(92)^(238)X rarr ._(82)^(206) Y + x(._(2)He^(4))+y(._(-1)^(0)e)`
Comparing mass no.
`238 rArr 206 + 4x +0y`
`x=8 i.e. 8 (alpha) `particles
Comparing no. protons.
92=82 + 2x-y
`10=2 xx 8 -y`
`y=6 i.e. 6 (beta)` particle

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