A mixture consist of a yellow solid [A] and colourless solid [B] which given lilac colour in flame. The miture given a black precipiate [C] on passing `H_(2)S` gas. The precipitate [C] is soluble in aqura region and on evaporating and on adding `SnCl_(2)`, gives greyish black precipitate [D]. The misture solution on reacing with `NH_(4)OH` gives a brown precipiates. The sodium extract of the mixture with `C Cl_(4)//FeCl_(3)` given violet layer. The extract also given yellow precicitate with `AgNO_(3)` solution which is insoluble in `NH_(3)`.
The yellow solied [A] in the mixture is :
A. Stannous chlordie
B. Mercuric chloride
C. Mercuric iodide
D. Arsenic cholride.

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Correct Answer - C
(c) The data suggests that the yellow solid [A] is mercuric iodide `[HgI_(2)]`.

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