Fluid mosaic model proposed by Singer and Nicolson replaced Sandwich model proposed by Danielli and Davson? Why?

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1. The Davson-Danielli model of the plasma membrane of a cell, was proposed in 1935 by Hugh Davson and James Danielli.

2. The model describes a phospholipid bilayer that lies between two layers of globular proteins. 

3. This model was also known as a Tipo-protein sandwich’, as the lipid layer was sandwiched between two protein layers. 

4. But through experimental studies membrane proteins were discovered to be insoluble in water (representing hydrophobic surfaces) and varied in size. Such type of proteins would not be able to form an even and continuous layer around the outer surface of a cell membrane. 

5. In case of Fluid-mosaic model, the experimental evidence from research supports every major hypothesis proposed by Singer and Nicolson. 

This hypothesis stated that membrane lipids are arranged in a bilayer; the lipid bilayer is fluid; proteins are suspended individually in the bilayer; and the arrangement of both membrane lipids and proteins is asymmetric. Therefore, Fluid mosaic model proposed by Singer and Nicolson replaced Sandwich model proposed by Danielli and Davson. 

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