In an atom electrons revolves around the nucleus along a path of radius 0.72Ã… making `9.4xx 10^(18)` revolution per second. The equivalent current is `(e=1.6xx10^(-19) C) `
A. 1.2A
B. 1.5A
C. 1.4A
D. 1.8A

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Correct Answer - B
Radius fo electron orbit `r=0.72Ã…=0.72xx10^(-10)m` Frequency of revolution of electron in orbit of given atom `u=9.4xx10^(18)rev//s` (where T is the time period of revolution of elctron in orbit)
Then equivalent current is `I=(e)/(T)=ev=1.6xx10^(-19)xx9.4xx10^(18)=1.504A`

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