What is the latitude of : 

1. Equator 

2. North Pole 

3. South Pole 

4. Tropic of Cancer 

5. Tropic of Capricorn 

6. Arctic Circle 

7. Antarctic circle ? Also give their characteristics.

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1. Latitude of Equator The latitude of the equator is 0°. Here the days and nights are equal throughout the year and the rays of the sun fall exactly vertically at noon on March 21 and September 23. 

2. Latitude of North Pole The latitude of the North pole is 90° North because it is situated north of the Equator at a distance of a quarter of the circumference of the earth. Here days and nights are of six-months duration.

3. Latitude of South Pole Latitude of the south pole is 90° south, because it is situated South of Equator at a distance of a quarter of the circumference of the earth. Here the days and night are of six months duration. 

4. The Latitude of the Tropic of Cancer is 23 1°/2 North. Here the rays of the sun fall vertically at noon on June 21. 

5. The Latitude of the Tropic of Capricorn is 23 1°/2 South. Here the rays of the sun fall vertically at noon on December 22. 

6. The Latitude of the Arctic Circle is 66 1°/2 North. Here once the year (June 21) the day is of 24 hours duration and once in the year (December 22) the night is of 24 hours duration. 

7. The Latitude of the Antarctic Circle is 66 1°/2 South. Here once in the year (December 22nd) the day is of 24 hours duration and once in year (June 21) the night is of 24 hours duration.

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