What impression of the character of Iona do you get from this story?

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Iona was an old cabdriver; he lost his young son.Being lonely, he was reduced to a phantom figure. He desperately wished to talk and share his sentiments with someone. He was so shattered that he tried to talk to any or everybody. He lamented his loss, despair and melancholy encompassed him. He was plunged in the thoughts of his son so much that he was totally unaware of his surroundings, even the snow. He drove his sledge rashly and brandished his horse more than necessary. He lost control over his emotions and went one blabbing his loss in front of even the ones who would be least interested to know. He tried talking to his passengers, the policemen and the three drunkards. He was afraid for his withered age and that his son was gone. He knew it would be difficult for him to earn his livelihood. He even made a remark to the horse that had his young son been alive, they would not have suffered and would have had plenty of food to live on. His state was of a typical old man who loses his young son and feels helpless and only grieves.

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