Ram wants to create a text file to store name and roll number of his students. Suggest, which program he should use. 

Write down the steps to create the file using the suggested program.

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He can create a text file using Notepad or WordPad. Follow these steps to create a file using Notepad: 

(a)  Step 1:  Click Start. 

(b)  Step 2:  Choose All Programs —> Accessories —> Notepad. 

(c)  Step 3:  Notepad opens. 

(d)  Step 4: Type name and roll number of students.

(e)  Step 5:  To save file, click File button —> Choose Save As option. 

(f)  Step 6:  The Save As dialog box will appear. 

(g)  Step 7:  Give file name with extension. 

(h)  Step 8:  Click Save button.

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