Identify any two aspects of India’s foreign policy that you would like to retain and two that you would like to change, if you were to become a decision maker. Give reasons to support your position.

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Two Aspects to be Supported: 

1. India always maintained her dignity and image of a peace-loving country by taking initiatives to bring about equality and understanding among the nations i.e. India supported to end Korean War in 1953, French rule in China, US role in Vietnam. 

2. India’s initiatives for Non-alignment are also appreciable for the maintenance of mutual understanding and security. During the post-cold war era also, NAM had become an effective tool to make the Security Council more effective and democratic. 

 Two Aspects to be Changed: 

1. In the course of the decade of 1962-72, India faced three wars and its peaceful image played a very limited role. 

2. Conflict with neighboring countries like China and Pakistan derailed India’s concept of regional co-operation under SAARC. 

Hence, India must adopt diplomatic and defensive postures in its foreign policy to maintain its independent entity.

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The two aspects that I would like to retain are:

1. India’s nuclear policy because it serves as defensive measure against China and Pakistan and India can also continue to pursue its policy of peaceful use of nuclear energy.

2. The policy of non-alignment has helped India build an independent economic, defence and foreign policies and this needs to be continued in the current changing global politics also.

Two aspects I would like to change are:

1. India needs to showcase a tougher diplomatic and defensive posture with Pakistan and China and counter their attempts to undermine India in Kashmir or Arunachal Pradesh.

2. India must not shy away to take decisions on issues of global politics and support the role of United Nations in building a peaceful World.

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