Read the passage given below carefully and answer the questions: 

This coalition-like character of the Congress gave it an unusual strength. Firstly, a coalition accommodates all those who join it. Therefore, it has to avoid any extreme position and strike a balance on almost all issues. Compromise and inclusiveness are the hallmarks of a coalition. This strategy put the opposition in a difficulty. Anything that the opposition wanted to say, would also find a place in the programme and ideology of the Congress. Secondly, in a party that has the nature of a coalition, there is a greater tolerance of internal differences and ambitions of various groups and leaders are accommodated. The Congress did both these things during the freedom struggle and continued doing this even after Independence. That is why, even if a group was not happy with the position of the party or with its share of power, it would remain inside the party and fight the other groups rather than leaving the party and becoming an ‘opposition’.

1. What do you mean by a faction? 

2. How did coalition-like character affect the nature of Congress Party? 

3. How did Congress avoid to increase the number of ‘opposition’?

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1. Factions are the groups formed inside the party based on either ideological considerations or on personal ambitions and rivalries. 

2. Coalition-like character of Congress accommodated all social diversities and maintained a balance on almost all issues. Even a proper space for the programmes and ideology of opposite parties was also given. In such a way Congress showed greater tolerance towards internal differences. 

3. Along with its coalition-like character, Congress did not let the groups to leave the party to become an opposition.

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