Compare and contrast India and China's sectoral contribution towards GDP in 2003. What does it indicate?

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       Sectors  Contribution to GDP (in %) (2003)

Primary (Agriculture)
Secondary (Industry)
Tertiary (Service)

According to above data of India and China's the sectoral contribution towards GDP in 2003, contribution of agriculture to GDP in china was 15% while in india it was 23%. On the other hand manufacturing contributes the highest to GDP in china at 53%, whereas in india service sector contributes the highest at around 51%.

The process of economic growth has led to a tremendous shift in the sectoral share of output and employment. The percentage share of the primary sector in total output and employment tends to decrease while that of the secondary and tertiary sector tends to increase. This indicates that both the economic are developing.The experience of china is similar to that of the other developed countries in the world. The experience of the developed countries shows that secondary sector followed by tertiary sector emerge as the leading sectors of the economy. Compared to china,India showed a direct shift from the primary sector to tertiary sector. This is due to the fast integration of these two economics with the other market economies of the world.

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