A milkman sold two of his buffaloes for Rs 20,000 each. On one he made a gain of 5% and on the other a loss of 10%. Find his overall gain or loss. (Hint: Find CP of each)

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S.P. of each buffalo = Rs 20000

The milkman made a gain of 5% while selling one buffalo.

This means if C.P. is Rs 100, then S.P. is Rs 105.

C.P. of one buffalo= Rs ( 20000 x 100/105 ) = Rs 19047.62

Also, the second buffalo was sold at a loss of 10%.

This means if C.P. is Rs 100, then S.P. is Rs 90.

∴C.P. of other buffalo = Rs ( 20000 x 100/90 ) 

= Rs 22222.22

Total C.P. = Rs 19047.62 + Rs 22222.22 = Rs 41269.84 

Total S.P. = Rs 20000 + Rs 20000 = Rs 40000

Loss = Rs 41269.84 − Rs 40000 = Rs 1269.84  Thus, the overall loss of milkman was Rs 1,269.84.

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