An electromagnetic wave travelling along z-axis is given as: E= Eo cos(kz - ωt). Choose the correct options from the following;

(a) The associated magnetic field is given as B=1/c k x E=1/ω(k X E).

(b) The electromagnetic field can be written in terms of the associated magnetic field as E=c(B x k).

c) k.E = 0, k.B=0.

(d) k ×E = 0,k × B=0.

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(a), (b), (c)

(a) The associated magnetic field is given as B=1/c k x E=1/ω(k X E).

(b) The electromagnetic field can be written in terms of the associated magnetic field as E=c(B x k).

(c) k.E = 0, k.B=0.

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