“Economic and non-economic activities don’t substitute, but complementary to each other.” Do you agree? Explain.

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Yes, we agree. Economic activities are undertaken with an economic motive, i.e., to earn money, but non-economic activities are undertaken without any economic purpose. For example, when our parents go to office or workplace, it is an economic activity, but when a mother cooks food for their children, we do some donations, we get pocket money, we take a bath, and these are non economic activities. But these activities cannot take place unless and until we have money to support them. 

No one can work without getting a sound sleep, while sleeping is a non-economic activity. Similarly, bathing is a non-economic activity, but it is compulsory to be healthy. Without being healthy getting involved in economic activity is not possible. Therefore, economic and noneconomic activities don’t substitute, but complementary to each other.

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