Between which two whole numbers on the number line are the given lie? Which of these whole numbers is nearer the number? 

(a) 0.8 

(b) 5.1 

(c) 2.6 

(d) 6.4 

(e) 9.1 

(f) 4.9

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(a) From 0 to 1, 0.8 is nearest to 1. 

(b) From 5 to 6, 5.1 is nearest to 5. 

(c) From 2 to 3, 2.6 is nearest to 3. 

(d) From 6 to 7, 6.4 is nearest to 6. 

(e) From 9 to 10, 9.1 is nearest to 9. 

(f) From 4 to 5, 4.9 is nearest to 5.

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