Mr. Deepak purchased a book from a bookseller and took the cash memo of Rs.200 which he paid for the book. Later, he found that the actual price of the book is Rs.180 but the bookseller had put a sticker of Rs.200 on the original price. Can Deepak recover the extra money that he paid? What other options are available to him against the book-seller?

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Mr. Deepak is a cautious consumer. He had taken the cash memo for the book he purchased. Therefore, he can recover the extra money (Rs.20). Besides, as per the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, following option are also available to him against the book-seller:

(i) He can return the book and ask for the repayment of Rs.200 which he paid for buying the book.

(ii) He can sue the book-seller for using unfair trade practices.

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