'Unicon Securities Pvt. Ltd' was established to deal in securities. It was registered as a stock broker with National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) to trade in securities listed at these exchanges. It is also a depository participant with CDSL and NSDL. In the first three years, it developed its business successfully. After that the composition of Board of Directors changed. Some customers complained to the customer care centre of the company that shares purchased by them and for which the payment has been duly made, were not transferred to their D'mat Accounts by 'Unicon securities Pvt. Ltd.' The executive of customer care centre promised the aggrieved customers that their shares will be transferred to their respective D'mat Accounts very soon. But the company delayed the matter and didn't transfer the shares of the customers to their D'mat Accounts. This eroded investors' confidence and multiplied their grievances.

(i) Identify the step of trading procedure in a stock exchange which has not been followed by 'Unicon Securities Pvt. Ltd.'

(ii) Name the Apex statutory body of capital market to whom customer can complain to redress their grievances.

(iii) Write two values not followed by Unicon Security Pvt. Ltd.

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(i) Delivery of shares in D'mat form directly to investors D'mat Account by the broker.

(ii) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

(iii) (a) Honesty

(b) Commitment or any other.

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