We use colour dissolved in water during Holi and clothes gets spoiled. Many colours used to celebrate Holi are oxidized metals or industrial dyes mixed with engine oil. Doctors say these are harmful colours which should be banned for usage. Manufacturers mix dyes with colours, and sell them for their profits. Holi revellers can make their Holi colourful by using natural colours available in the market. Natural colours start fading when they come in contact with sunrays. 

(i) Why doctors say that synthetic colours are harmful ? 

(ii) What are natural colours ?

(iii) As a student what initiative you will take to motivate your classmates to use natural colours in Holi ? Give any three suggestions

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(i) Doctors say these colours are toxic and can cause skin allergies, eye irritation and blindness. 

(ii) The colours derived from vegetables and other organic sources are known as natural colours.

(iii) Suggestions:

(a) Doctor's consultancy in the class to satisfy the classmate.

(b) Application of natural colours in class.

(c) To make them understand the importance of playing safe Holi.

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