Explain any three points that highlight the importance of directing function of management.

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Importance of Directing:

Integrated group activity: The organisational goals can be achieved only when individual efforts are integrated. Directing integrates employee's efforts in such a way that every individual efforts contributes to the organisational performance.

(ii) Help to implement changes: An organisation operates in a changing environment. A proper system of direction helps in motivating employees to take up challenges of new situations. Directing helps the organisation to became dynamic and responsive to new developments.

(iii) Initiates action: Direction sets an organisation into motion. Through directing, other managerial functions are initiated and activated. Directing helps the management to supervise, communicate, lead and motivate people at work to function in the desired way for achieving organisational goals.

(iv) Directing attempts to get maximum out of the individuals: Every employee has potential and capacity which needs to be harnessed by the superiors. By using elements of direction, i.e. Supervision, Motivation, Leadership and Communication, the efficiency of employees can be raised through willing cooperation.

(v) Brings stability and balance in organisation: Directing fosters cooperation and commitment among the people and help to achieve stability and balance among various groups, activities and the departments.

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