Classify the following taxes into direct and indirect tax. Give reasons for your answer.

(i) corporation tax

(ii) entertainment tax

(iii) excise duty

(iv) income tax

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(i) It is direct tax as its impact and incidence is on the same person.

(ii) It is indirect tax as its impact and incidence are on different persons.

(iii) It is indirect tax as its impact and incidence are on different persons.

(iv) It is a direct tax as its impact and incidence are on the same person.

Detailed Answer:

(i) Corporation Tax: It is a direct tax. Its impact and incidence is on the same Person.

(ii) Entertainment Tax: It is an indirect tax. Its impact and incidence are on different Persons.

(iii) Excise Duty: It is an indirect tax. Its impact and incidence are on different persons.

(iv) Income tax: It is a direct tax. Its impact and incidence are on the same Person.

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