Atul and Shivam are best friends and study in the same school, grade 5. One day, in the recess, they had taken their lunch together. After the lunch, Shivam felt uncomfortable and had a stomachache. Atul, on observation found that Shivam had eaten spicy junk food in his lunch instead of eating nutritious food. He took Shivam to the infirmary where a teacher gave him a spoon of antacid syrup. Non, Shivam felt better and gave thanks to Atul. 

(i) What problem was Shivam suffering from ? 

(ii) What happened when Shivam took antacid ? Name the type of reaction. 

(iii) What values were shown by Atul and Shivam ?

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(i) Shivam had spicy food, so he was suffering from acidity.

(ii) Antacids are alkaline in nature, so when Shivam took a spoon of antacid it neutralized tire acid. The type of reaction is Neutralisation reaction.

(iii) Friendship, concern for each other, value and balanced diet.

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