Which of the following two criteria have to be met in order to qualify as a ‘biodiversity hotspot’ on the world hotspots map? 

1. The region must contain at last 0.5% or 1500 species of vascular plants as endemic species. 

2. The region has to have lost at least 70% of its primary vegetation. 

Which of the statements given above is/are correct? 

(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) 1 and 2 both (d) None

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(c) To qualify as a biodiversity hotspot on Myers 2000 edition of the hotspot-map, a region must meet two strict criteria: it must contain at least 0.5% or 1,500 species of vascular plants as endemics, and it has to have lost at least 70% of its primary vegetation.

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