In which one of the following areas did the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research make significant progress in the year 2005’? 

(a) Reprocessing the uranium-plutonium mixed carbide fuel of the Fast Breeder Test Reactor. 

(b) New applications of radioisotopes in metallurgy. 

(c) A new technology for production of heavy water. 

(d) A new technology for high level nuclear waste management.

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(a) The Indira Gandhi Centre has established a comprehensive R & D infrastructure over the entire range of FBR technology, spanning reactor engineering, metallurgy and materials, chemistry of fuels and materials, fuel reprocessing and reactor safety studies. Development of the indigenous plutonium-uranium mixed carbide nuclear fuel for the fast breeder test reactor. The fuel has performed satisfactorily and produced for the first time in our country, nuclear electricity from a fast reactor.

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