You are a teacher in a University and are setting a question paper on a particular subject. One of your colleagues, whose son is preparing for the examination on that subject, comes to you and informs you that it is his son’s last chance to pass that examination and whether you could help him by indicating what questions are going to be in the examination. In the past, your colleague had helped you in another matter. Your colleague informs you that his son will suffer from depression if he fails in this examination. In such circumstances, what would you do? 

(a) In view of the help he had given you, extend your help to him. 

(b) Regret that you cannot be of any help to him. 

(c) Explain to your colleague that this would be violating the trust of the University authorities and you are not in a position to help him. 

(d) Report the conduct of your colleague to the higher authorities.

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(c) Extending a helping hand to someone for personal reasons while sitting in a responsible position Is unethical and does not do justice to the trust and responsibility of the authority conferred on You by the authority. Your position and responsibility is far more greater than personal Obligations.

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