There is a shortage of sugar in your District where you are the District Magistrate. The Government has ordered that only a maximum amount of 30 kg sugar is to be released for wedding celebrations. A son of your close friend is getting married and your friend requests you to release at least 50 kg sugar for his son’s wedding. He expresses annoyance when you tell him about the Government’s restrictions on this matter. He feels that since you are the District Magistrate you can release any amount./ You do not want to spoil your friendship with him. In such circumstances, how would you deal with the situation? 

(a) Releases the extra amount of sugar which your friend has requested for. 

(b) Refuse your friend the extra amount and strictly follow the rules. 

(c) Show your friend the copy of the Government instructions and then persuade him to accept the lower amount as prescribed in the rules. 

(d) Advise him to directly apply to the allotting authority and inform him that you do not interfere in this matter.

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(d) This will make it very clear to him that doing small favours are not part of job. You are far more responsible for the position. The advise will show that you care for him and a direct approach approach to the allotting authority may work for him. This gives a lasting impression that you follow the rules.