Explain any five reasons for the declining caste system in India.

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Decline of the caste system in India:

(i) Efforts of social reformers like Phule, Gandhiji, Ambedkar against caste system have helped to promote a casteless society.

(ii) Economic development has reduced the emphasis on caste.

(iii) Large sacle urbanisation has disminished the awareness of caste, as people rub shoulders in buses, trains and offices.

(iv) Growth of literacy and education has helped to decrease the belief in caste.

(v) Occupational mobility is possible now and children are not compelled to continue the profession of the family or father.

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The following are the five reasons for the declining caste system in India. 

Growth of literacy and education: After industrialisation the literacy rate has increased. 

Occupational mobility: Due to occupational mobility, the new generation takes up occupations other than those practised by their ancestors. 

Large-scale urbanisation: Shift of people from rural areas to urban areas in search of jobs and better living conditions. 

Efforts made by leaders and reformers: The political leaders and social reformers worked to establish a society in which caste inequalities are absent. 

Economic development: Adoption of never technologies from agriculture-based to industrybased economy and general improvement in living standards.

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