How do social division affect politics? Give two examples.

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Social divisions affect politics in both negative and positive ways:

Negative ways:

(i) In Northern Ireland, there has been a violent and bitter ethno-political conflict for many years. Northern Ireland population was divided into Protestant (53%) and Roman Catholics (44%). The Catholics were represented by Nationalist parties who wanted to be unified with the Republic of Ireland. In contrast, Protestants were represented by Unionists who wanted to remain with the U.K. Hundreds of civilians, militants and security forces were killed in the fight between unionists and nationalists.

(ii) The disintegration of Yugoslavia into six independent countries due to ethnic and religious differences is another example.

Positive ways:

(i) Every expression of social division in politics does not lead to disasters because wherever social divisions exist, they are reflected in politics. In many countries, there are parties that focus only on one community, e.g., D.M.K., AIADMK and BSP in India.

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