Determine the standard entropy change for the decomposition of one mole of solid calcium carbonate, forming solid calcium oxide and carbon dioxide gas.

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This is a straight-forward application of Equation 2, followed by substitution of the Appropriate values from a table. 

 CaCO3(s) → CaO (s) + CO2 (g) 

ΔS° = (1 mol) [ΔS° for CaO (s)] + (1 mol) [ΔS° for CO2(g)] – (1 mol)[ΔS° for CaCO3(s)] 

= (1 mol) (39.8 J/mol K) + (1 mol) (213.7 J/mol K) – (1 mol) (92.9 J/mol K) = 160.6 J/K.

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