Contour bunding is a method of soil conservation used in

(a) desert margins, liable to strong wind action

(b) low flat plains, close to stream courses, liable to flooding

(c) scrublands, liable to spread of weed growth

(d) None of the above

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(d) Contour Bunding is one of the simple method of soil and water conservation. This technique is used at places where the land is sloppy. Due to slope, soil and nutrients erode fast which makes agriculture on this land very uneconomical. To adopt this technique the agriculture fields contours are marked and then the bunds are taken along the contours.

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(b) Contour Bunding is one of the simple method of soil and water conservation. This technique is used at places where the land is sloppy. Due to slope, soil and nutrients erode fast which makes agriculture on this land very uneconomical. To adopt this technique the agriculture fields contours are marked and then the bunds are taken along the contours.

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(d) Contour Bunding is one of the simple method of soil and water conservation. This technique is used at places where the land is sloppy. Due to slope, soil and nutrients erode fast which makes agriculture on this land very uneconomical. To adopt this technique the agriculture fields contours are marked and then the bunds are taken along the contours.

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