Consider the following statements:

1. India is the only country in the world producing all the five known commercial varieties of silk.

2. India is the largest producer of sugar in the world. Which of the statements given above less is/are correct?

(a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2

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(a) Five varieties of silkworms are reared in India for producing five varieties of silk. Mulberry silk, Muga silk, Tasar silk, Oak tasar silk and Eri silk. India is the 2nd largest producer of sugar in the world.

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(a) Five varieties of silkworms are reared in India for producing five varieties of silk. Mulberry silk, Muga silk, Tasar silk, Oak tasar silk and Eri silk. India is the 2nd largest producer of sugar in the world.

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