How the caste issue was included in novels in India? Support your answer with suitable example.

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(i) Indulekha: It is a hotly debated novel and the concerns it addresses are of marriage practices of upper-class Hindus in Kerala.

(ii) Potheri Kunjambu a 'lower caste' writer from North Kerala wrote 'Saraswativijayam' and attacked caste oppression.

(iii) Titash Ekti Nadir Naam: It was based on the fisherfolk community.

(iv) Basheer was a Muslim writer with little formal education.

(v) Premchand's 'Ranghoomi': The hero of this novel is a low caste whose land has forcibly been taken away.

(vi) 'Godan': It is a story about Indian peasantry and how they are exploited.

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