Analyse the role and involvement of women in the readership and authorship of novels in India.

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(i) In the early decades of the 20th century, women in South India began writing novels and short stories.

(ii) A reason for the popularity of novels among women was that it allowed for a new conception of womanhood.

(iii) Some women authors also wrote about women who changed the world of both men and women.

(iv) Rokeya Hossein wrote a satiric fantasy in English called 'Sultana's Dream' (1905) which shows a topsy-tuny world in which women take the place of men.

(v) Hunnah Mullens, a Christian missionary and the author of 'Karuna O Phulmonir Bibaran' (1852), wrote the first novel in Bengali, which tells her readers that she wrote in secret.

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