At the market price of Rs 10, a firm supplies 4 units of output. The market price increases to Rs 30. The price elasticity of the firm's supply is 1.25. What quantity will the firm supply at the new price?

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Initial Price, P1 = Rs 10
Initial Output, Q1 = 4 units
Final Price, P2 = Rs 30

ΔP = P2 - P1

= Rs 30 - 10 = Rs 20
Elasticity of supply,es = 1.25

es =ΔQ/ΔP x P1/Q1

1.25 = ΔQ/20 x 10/4

= 1.25 x 8 = ΔQ

= ΔQ = 10 units

Thus final output supplied,  Q2 = ΔQ + Q1

Q2 = 10 + 4 = 14 units

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