Let T be the line passing through the points P(-2, 7) and Q(2, -5). Let F1 be the set of all pairs of circles (S1, S2) such that T is tangent to S1 at P and tangent to S2 at Q, and also such that S1 and S2 touch each other at a point, say, M. Let E1 be the set representing the locus of M as the pair (S1, S2) varies in F1. Let the set of all straight line segments joining a pair of distinct points of E1 and passing through the point R(1, 1) be F2. Let E2 be the set of the mid-points of the line segments in the set F2. Then, which of the following statement(s) is (are) TRUE ?

(A) The point (-2, 7) lies in E 

(B) The point (4/5,7/5) does NOT lie in E 

(C) The point (1/2,1) lies in E2

(D) The point (0,3/2) does NOT lie in E1

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Answer: D


Locus of M is circle center (0, 1) and radius 40 , excluding points P and Q
=>x2 + y2 – 2y = 39 excluding points P and Q
So, (–2, 7) is excluded from locus and (0, 3/2) does not lie in E1
Locus of
point in E2 is circle with diameter (0, 1) and (1, 1)
=>x2 – x + (y – 1)2 = 0
So, (1/2,1) does not lie in E2 and (4/5,7/5) lies in E2